En video om en 20-åring med autism i USA:
Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World
MONTCLAIR, N.J. — For weeks, Justin Canha, a high school student with autism, a love of cartoons and a gift for drawing, had rehearsed for the job interview at a local animation studio.
As planned, he arrived that morning with a portfolio of his comic strips and charcoal sketches, some of which were sold through a Chelsea gallery. Kate Stanton-Paule, the teacher who had set up the meeting, accompanied him. But his first words upon entering the office were, like most things involving Justin, not in the script.
“Hello, everybody,” he announced, loud enough to be heard behind the company president’s door. “This is going to be my new job, and you are going to be my new friends.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/18/us/autistic-and- seeking-a-place-in-an-adult-world.html?_r=1&pagewa nted=all%3Fsrc%3Dtp&smid=fb-share
Den här killen lever uppenbarligen under väldigt goda förhållanden och har föräldrar mm, som har möjlighet att engagera sig. Kanske inte så realistiskt som det fungerar i Sverige, men jag tyckte att det var en intressant berättelse...